Spanish tortilla with chorizo

The reason I set up this blog in the first place was to record this recipe, because I'm always googling to find versions of it. I was quite surprised the other day to find that it wasn't even on here. Well, now it is! I've included chorizo in this recipe, but it's just as nice without it.

  • 1 onion
  • 275g of potatoes (about three medium sized ones)
  • 100g of cooking chorizo sausage (about half a small ring)
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 5 eggs
  1. Peel the onion, cut it in half and then slice to create half-moons.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices.
  3. Cut the chorizo into little medallions.
  4. Put two tablespoonfuls of oil into a flat bottomed non-stick frying pan (that has a lid) and heat until smoking hot.
  5. Add the potatoes, onion and chorizo and stir to coat them in the oil.
  6. Turn the heat down to the lowest setting, scrunch in some salt and pepper (to your taste, though go easy on the salt if you're using chorizo) and put the lid on.
  7. Cook on a low heat for 20 minutes, shaking the pan now and again so that the mixture doesn't stick. Halfway through, stir and turn over the potatoes as best you can.
  8. Meanwhile, crack the eggs into a largeish bowl or jug and beat lightly with a fork. Scrunch in some more pepper.
  9. Add the cooked potato mixture to the beaten eggs and mix together.
  10. Put the remaining oil into the frying pan heat over a medium heat.
  11. Add the egg and potato mixture to the pan, then turn the heat down to its lowest setting.
  12. Cook gently (with the lid off) for 20 to 25 minutes, until the liquid on the top has started to set.
  13. Now for the awkward bit. Flip the thing over! If your pan lid is fairly flat, put the lid on, turn the pan over, then slide the tortilla off the lid back into the pan. If your lid is an inconvenient dome (like mine), put a plate, eating side down, over the tortilla, then put the lid on and turn the pan over. Just expect your tortilla to break / cover you in runny egg. It's called life experience, and gives you something to moan about. What's life without a good moan now and then?
  14. Once you've successfully inverted your tortilla, cook for another two minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to settle for a further five.
  15. Serve warm, or even better, cold, and sliced into wedges.